Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Today I was on a bus going somewhere and saw quite a few couples but what I really noticed was that they weren't all lovely dovey like couples are normally in movies... when I looked at the guys face and the girls they seemed grumpy and unhappy and that made me think instantly the couples weren't going to last forever. I seriously don't understand love... I saw this lady and her boyfriend/husband walk past the pool and they weren't even holding hands she was in front of him and he was walking behind her looking unhappy. Why can't they just be friends if their not going to do what couples (in my opinion) normally should do. First they start off with "I love you, your the only one for me" etc. then a few months pass and "lets get married" then they have kids and start getting bored with each other and then "Lets have a divorce". you see people... v.v love never lasts... only rarely...

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complicated love

This is my first ever blog and what I really don't understand is LOVE!

Ok... yah with me? I'm 13 and I really don't want to get a boyfriend at this age because seriously it would never last... my friend Ellie is dating this guy and she's only 13 and i asked her "hey ellie? do you think you and Sean 'pronounced Shawn, just like prawn' are going to be with each other forever?" and she said "NO!". You see what I mean people? what's the point going out with someone when your still so young and that love will never last...

Well actually, I was talking to my mum today about this and she said "I know 2 people who still love each other and they fell in love with each other when they were your age and they still love each other now and have 2 kids" I was really surprised at this comment because I seriously don't understand how their love can stay that long... don't they like... get bored with each other as time passes?

Please comment if you know some people that love each other starting from when they were young and still love each other now...
or just comment on your opinion about this whole thing! ^-^ cheers!
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